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KDE config file | 2009-10-22 | 6.7 KB | 160 lines |
- [Desktop Entry]
- Version=1.0
- Terminal=false
- Exec=ooffice -draw %F
- Icon=ooo-draw
- Type=Application
- Categories=Graphics;VectorGraphics;
- StartupNotify=false
- InitialPreference=6
- MimeType=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics;application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template;application/vnd.stardivision.draw;application/vnd.sun.xml.draw;application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template;
- Name=OpenOffice.org Drawing
- Name[am]=ኦፕንኦፊስ.ኦርግ ምስል አቀናጅ
- Name[bn]=ওপেনঅফিস.অর্গ ড্রয়িং
- Name[ca]=Editor de dibuixos de l'OpenOffice.org
- Name[cs]=OpenOffice.org Kreslení
- Name[da]=OpenOffice.org Tegneprogram
- Name[de]=OpenOffice.org Zeichnung
- Name[el]=Εφαρμογή σχεδίασης OpenOffice
- Name[en_GB]=OpenOffice.org Drawing
- Name[eo]=OpenOffice.org Desegnilo
- Name[es]=OpenOffice.org Dibujos
- Name[et]=OpenOffice.org Joonistus
- Name[fi]=OpenOffice.org-piirros
- Name[fil]=Gumuhit sa OpenOffice.org
- Name[fr]=Dessin OpenOffice.org
- Name[gl]=Debuxo de OpenOffice.org
- Name[he]=OpenOffice.org ציור
- Name[hr]=OpenOffice.org crtanje
- Name[hu]=OpenOffice.org rajzol├│
- Name[it]=OpenOffice.org - Disegno
- Name[ja]=OpenOffice.org Drawing
- Name[ka]=OpenOffice.org გრაფიკა
- Name[kn]=OpenOffice.org ಕಲೆ
- Name[ko]=오픈오피스 그리기
- Name[ku]=Xêzkirina OpenOffice.org
- Name[lt]=OpenOffice.org piešimas/braižyba
- Name[nl]=OpenOffice.org Tekenen
- Name[oc]=Dessenh OpenOffice.org
- Name[pl]=Rysunek OpenOffice.org
- Name[pt]=Desenho OpenOffice.org
- Name[pt_BR]=OpenOffice.org Desenho
- Name[ru]=OpenOffice.org Рисование
- Name[sk]=Kreslenie OpenOffice.org
- Name[sr]=OpenOffice.org Цртање
- Name[sv]=OpenOffice.org Ritning
- Name[tl]=Gumuhit sa OpenOffice.org
- Name[tr]=OpenOffice.org Çizim
- Name[uk]=OpenOffice.org Drawing
- Name[vi]=Vẽ hình với OpenOffice.org
- Name[zh_CN]=OpenOffice.org 图画
- Name[zh_TW]=OpenOffice.org 繪圖
- GenericName=Drawing
- GenericName[af]=Teken
- GenericName[am]=ምስል አቀናጅ
- GenericName[ar]=الرسم
- GenericName[az]=Rəsm
- GenericName[be@latin]=Rysavańnie
- GenericName[bg]=Рисунка
- GenericName[bn]=ড্রয়িং
- GenericName[bs]=Crtanje
- GenericName[ca]=Dibuix
- GenericName[cs]=Kreslení
- GenericName[da]=Tegneprogram
- GenericName[de]=Zeichnung
- GenericName[dz]=པར་རིས།
- GenericName[el]=Σχεδιασμός
- GenericName[en_CA]=Drawing
- GenericName[en_GB]=Drawing
- GenericName[en_ZA]=Drawing
- GenericName[eo]=Desegnajxo
- GenericName[es]=Dibujo
- GenericName[et]=Joonistus
- GenericName[eu]=Marrazketa
- GenericName[fi]=Piirros
- GenericName[fil]=Gumuhit
- GenericName[fr]=Dessin
- GenericName[ga]=Tarraingt
- GenericName[gl]=Debuxo
- GenericName[gu]=ચિત્ર
- GenericName[he]=ציור
- GenericName[hr]=Crtanje
- GenericName[hu]=Rajzol├│
- GenericName[it]=Disegno
- GenericName[ja]=図形描画
- GenericName[ka]=გრაფიკა
- GenericName[kn]=ಕಲೆ
- GenericName[ko]=그리기
- GenericName[ku]=Xêzkirin
- GenericName[lt]=Piešimas ir braižyba
- GenericName[mk]=Цртање
- GenericName[ms]=Lukisan
- GenericName[nb]=Tegning
- GenericName[ne]=रेखाचित्र
- GenericName[nl]=Tekenen
- GenericName[nr]=Umgwalo
- GenericName[nso]=Go Thala
- GenericName[oc]=Dessenh
- GenericName[pa]=ਡਰਾਇੰਗ
- GenericName[pl]=Rysowanie
- GenericName[ps]=انځورګري
- GenericName[pt]=Desenhar
- GenericName[pt_BR]=Desenho
- GenericName[ru]=Рисунок
- GenericName[rw]=Igishushanyo
- GenericName[sk]=Kreslenie
- GenericName[sl]=Risanje
- GenericName[sq]=Vizatim
- GenericName[sr]=Цртање
- GenericName[sr@latin]=Crtanje
- GenericName[st]=Ho torowa
- GenericName[sv]=Ritning
- GenericName[th]=วาดเขียน
- GenericName[tl]=Gumuhit
- GenericName[tr]=Çizim
- GenericName[ts]=Vudirowi
- GenericName[uk]=Малювання
- GenericName[vi]=Vẽ hình
- GenericName[wa]=Dessinaedje
- GenericName[xh]=Umzobo
- GenericName[zh_CN]=绘图
- GenericName[zh_TW]=繪圖
- GenericName[zu]=Ukudweba
- Comment=Create and edit drawings, flow charts, and logos.
- Comment[am]=ምስሎችን፣ ምልክቶችን፣ የሂድት ዱካ...ወዘተ ይድረሱ
- Comment[bn]=ড্রয়িং, ফ্লো চার্ট, এবং লোগো তৈরি এবং সম্পাদনা।
- Comment[ca]=Creeu i editeu dibuixos, diagrames de flux i logotips.
- Comment[cs]=Vytvářet a upravovat obrázky, grafy a loga.
- Comment[da]=Opret og redigér tegninger, rutediagrammer og logoer.
- Comment[de]=Zeichnungen erstellen und bearbeiten, Flussdiagramme entwerfen und Logos kreieren.
- Comment[el]=Δημιουργία και επεξεργασία σχεδίων, διαγραμμάτων και λογοτύπων
- Comment[en_GB]=Create and edit drawings, flow charts, and logos.
- Comment[eo]=Krei kaj redakti desegnajxojn, stirfluajn diagramojn, kaj identigajn simbolojn.
- Comment[es]=Crear y editar dibujos, diagramas de flujo y logotipos.
- Comment[et]=Loo ja muuda joonistusi, graafikuid ja logosid.
- Comment[fi]=Luo ja muokkaa piirroksia, vuokaavioita ja logoja.
- Comment[fil]=Lumikha at isaayos ang mga guhit, mga flow chart, at mga logo.
- Comment[fr]=Créer et éditer des dessins, des organigrammes et des logos.
- Comment[gl]=Crea e edita debuxos, diagramas de fluxo, e logos.
- Comment[he]=צרו וערכו איורים, תרשימי זרימה ולוגואים.
- Comment[hr]=Izradite i uredite crte┼╛e, logotipe i sheme.
- Comment[hu]=Rajozok, folyamatábrák és logók készítése és szerkesztése.
- Comment[it]=Crea e modifica disegni, diagrammi di flusso e loghi.
- Comment[ja]=図形、フローチャート、ロゴを作成・編集します。
- Comment[ka]=ნახატების, სქემებისა და ლოგოების შექმნა და რედაქტირება.
- Comment[ko]=그림이나 순서도, 표어를 만들고 수정합니다.
- Comment[ku]=Wêneyan, nexşeyin belqînê û logoyan biafirîne û serrast bike
- Comment[lt]=Kurkite bei tobulinkite br─ù┼╛inius, blokines schemas, diagramas ir logotipus.
- Comment[nl]=Tekeningen, stroomdiagrammen en logo's maken en bewerken.
- Comment[pl]=Tworzenie i modyfikowanie rysunk├│w, schemat├│w blokowych i znak├│w graficznych.
- Comment[pt]=Crie e edite desenhos, diagramas de fluxo e logotipos.
- Comment[pt_BR]=Crie e edite desenhos, gráficos e logotipos.
- Comment[ru]=Создание и редактирование рисунков, блок-схем и логотипов.
- Comment[sk]=Vytvárajte a upravujte kresby, grafy a logá.
- Comment[sr]=Направите и уређујте цртеже, дијаграме тока и логотипе.
- Comment[sv]=Skapa och redigera ritningar, fl├╢desscheman och logotyper.
- Comment[tl]=Lumikha at isaayos ang mga guhit, mga flow chart, at mga logo.
- Comment[tr]=Çizimler, akış şemaları ve logolar oluşturun ve düzenleyin.
- Comment[vi]=Tạo và hiệu chỉnh các bản vẽ, đồ thị và logo.
- Comment[zh_CN]=创建和编辑图画、流程图和Logo